Hudson’s Bay Canada


Emergency Water Main Repair
Client Name – Hudson’s Bay Canada

Location of Project – 145 Carrier Drive., Etobicoke ON
Timeline for Completion – March 2018 to May 2018

Skills Highlight –
Emergency Services
Budget Friendly Solutions


Hudson’s Bay Canada contacted a Promain representative via phone to report an issue with groundwater in the parking lot. Promain initiated an investigation into the source of the water by conducting private scans and locates of underground utilities.
Scans revealed an existing water line for the fire sprinkler system. Due to the sensitive dig area, Promain enlisted a hydro excavation truck to expose the underground piping. Promain found a slow leak and, at the request of the client, attempted to make a budget-friendly localized repair using a saddle. Due to the age of the pipe, further repairs were required.
Promain returned to site with Hydro excavator. Once the area was free and clear, technicians cut and secured the deteriorated pipe for removal. Upon removal of the pipe, granular stone was added to support and protect the new section of PVC piping.
Native soil was returned to the dig area and the site was secured using safety fence and pylons.
Promain completed the project by paving affected parking areas, restoring affected landscape, and reinstalling curbs and parking signage.